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“According to The Wharton School, the fellowship component will entail partnership with Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT)…John Rice, founder and CEO of MLT, added that …

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Three investment firms are launching a joint initiative [AltFinance] aimed at attracting more Black talent to their industry.

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MLT’s Managing Director Tina Gilbert, VP of strategy Kevin Donahue, and Slack’s Future Forum Sr. Director Sheela Subramanian discuss building and creating systems, processes, and …

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Featuring MLT’s Tina Moore Gilbert, The Washington Post opens the floor for conversations about microaggressions, code-switching, and more.

The Washington Post
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In the latest expansion of big law firms’ diversity efforts, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher have joined a new initiative …

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How can corporate America turn its pledges and promises on racial equity into tangible change? John Rice, CEO of nonprofit MLT, has a plan—a certification, …

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Achieving racial equity in the workplace was a vital factor in any progress towards addressing systemic racism, diversity experts say