Turn Pro
The Path to Post-Grad Success Starts Now.

The Turn Pro application is now open!

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Turn Pro


A college degree should facilitate lasting economic mobility and financial security for all graduates. However, employment outcomes for college graduates of color are significantly worse than those of their white peers.

MLT has partnered with the University of Kentucky, Howard University, and Arizona State University to pilot a new career development program and associated research study that will increase career opportunities for underrepresented college students.

Turn Pro will empower rising juniors and seniors at partner universities with MLT’s coaching playbook, and accelerating network to successfully bridge the college-to-career gap and secure employment that represents an appropriate return on a college degree.


Turn Pro Partners


Student Benefits

  • Personalized career coaching
  • Access to top employers for potential internships and full-time roles
  • Increased personal clarity with new insights into your passions, strengths, and development areas
  • A concrete roadmap to professional success
  • A supportive network of 8,000+ diverse professionals

The associated research study will capture how MLT’s programming and interventions can be applied more broadly to reduce the disproportionately high unemployment and underemployment rates for underrepresented minorities upon college graduation. When America’s economic mobility system works for students and professionals of color, they can go as far as their talent and hard work will take them, resulting in a stronger economy and more equitable society.

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Note: Turn Pro is a part of a study and applicants will be selected for a limited number of spots through a lottery-like process.